These pages have recent copies of the Frog Hall Help Bulletin issued and coordinated by Alison and Angus Mitchell
so you can look back at information previously published. Maybe it will form the basis of a historical record of what happened in the
Drive during the coronavirus outbreak of 2020!
I am told that Wokingham Medical Centre has found some staff infected with COVID and as such their services will be
reduced - this means slower answering of the phone and getting appointments.
A neighbour has also sent this useful information, valid for this Tax year:
If you have to work for at least one day in the year at home due to COVID-19 you can claim relief for the
“expenses” for the whole year. And you can do it now and you can do it very simply according to
MoneySavingExpert. It's not a lot but it's still a meal out or a couple of takeaways.
#27: 9 November 2020
From Alison
I understand from a neighbour that Stokes Farm & Sheeplands are remaining open during this Lockdown.
If you are on Facebook Love Wokingham
page has a list of places that are open for takeaways and other
businesses and how they are dealing with Lockdown 2.
Jim Webb has a 2 ft square folding card table (see pics). The top has been recently
re-covered and generally it is in quite good condition. Happy to provide any other details. F.O.C. – first come first served.