Frog Hall Help Bulletins #21 to #26

These pages have back numbers of the Frog Hall Help Bulletin from 31 May to 21 July, issued and coordinated by Alison and Angus Mitchell so you can look back at information previously published.

Index to back issues on this page

#26: 21 July 2020

From Alison

Semi-Skimmed Milk: At the beginning of these strange times, one of our neighbours bought in a supply of UHT Semi Skimmed milk, and then the supermarket delivery system became more readily accessible. They are left with 12 x one litre bottles (Just Milk brand) which they will not be able to use by the "use by date" of the 5th August. Even if not a fan of it in drinks it is fine for cooking, porridge, pancakes, custards etc, etc. Would anyone like a carton? Please let me know by phone or email.

The Grub Club; Norrey's Church The part of the Grub Club that has been offering the excess food to us all over the past few months has now become Share Wokingham on Facebook. They have a large amount of eggs today (still in date) so please do go and collect some if you would like any. A donation to their Charity would always be welcome.

#25: 6 July 2020

From Alison

jar of jam

Frog Hall Help going into standby mode!

As the Lockdown situation eases and items/deliveries are easier to get, the need for regular Bulletins has diminished. I therefore plan to stop sending out regular Bulletins, but will resume should the situation change in the future.

However FrogHallHelp will continue to run so please if there is anything you find you need help with please email us and we will do our very best to help. We still have volunteers who are happy to collect prescriptions, drop off parcels, and many other things.

A strange request! Has anyone got any of these mini jam jars (right) like you get in hotels etc that they would like to get rid of? They don't have to be all the same.

#24: 20 June 2020

From Alison

Grocery deliveries: This week's deliveries are:

Beer delivery: Bond Brews, a local Wokingham brewery, orders please by 6pm Saturday 20th. I am told that the polypins are worth trying as the taste is that of a draught beer rather than bottled.

Eggs: Tuesday's egg delivery is the penultimate one. Don't forget after June 30th Stokes eggs will continue to be available from local co-op stores, and McCleish butchers. Their website will advise when their shop will be open again.

We have received the following request:

Has anyone got any recommendations for someone who would be able to dig out and build an additional manhole on an existing drain.

Preferably personal experience with someone who is willing to do what is a smallish job.

#23: 16 June 2020

From Alison

Deliveries: The requests for additions to neighbours' online orders has slowed down. However if you are prepared to add a few items for a neighbour, please let me know and if possible in time for the bulletin normally prepared on Sunday evening.

Eggs: The egg delivery option from Stokes will stop on the 30th June. So our last delivery will be on their last day Tuesday June 30th. Stokes have asked that we point out that their eggs are and will continue to be available from local co-op stores, and McCleish butchers. Their website will advise when their shop will be open again. The neighbour ordering has thanked Stokes on our behalf for deliveries over the past 3 months.

We have had a request from a neighbour, (in the flats) who would be interested in the long-term rent of some garage space to store 2 motorbikes: a BSA Bantam & a Harley Davidson. This would only be for storage, not to do any maintenance on them. Please let me know if you could help.

As the need for Bulletins decreases and we are sending them out less frequently please be reassured that we are still here if needed. Just contact us on this email address.

#22: 7 June 2020

From Alison

Deliveries: Next week's deliveries that neighbours are willing to add a few items to are:

Eggs: Any changes to anyone's egg order by tomorrow before 10:30 please.

Information: There is a local initiative recently started up called Freely Fruity. This is their aim taken from their Facebook Page:

Hello! Welcome to Freely Fruity.. We are a bunch of individuals with a passion to make our world a better place, and we can do this together.

Our aim is to put more FREELY available fruit into our communities through schools, community projects and in homes.

Together we can:

  • Reduce carbon emissions
  • Educate to eat healthy
  • Save money from shop bought fruit
  • Reduce global food waste
  • Encourage our younger generations
  • Developing community spirit

We will be providing tips on how easy it is to grow your own in the coming weeks.

The world is our orchard.

With their aims in mind perhaps we could all share excess produce from our vegetable patches or fruit trees with neighbours in the Drive via FrogHallHelp.

Bulletins: With the situation easing a bit now, bulletins will probably be less frequent. But if you have any requests please don't hesitate to contact FrogHallHelp.

Cheers, Alison

#21: 31 May 2020

From Alison

Deliveries: Next week's deliveries that neighbours are willing to add a few items to are:

Masks: We still have a few more masks for anyone else who needs some. Please let me know.

I still have a 4 litres of a 5 litre bottle of Virgin Olive Oil left if anyone has a 1 litre container they want to refill. £3.50 a litre

Wokingham Borough Council sent this update out on Friday. There are some interesting points in it.

Bracknell tip booking system seems to have got over its teething problems. They release slots every half hour.